I was traveling with my wife and daughter in my red Chevy van. We were headed across the United States traveling from the West Coast to the East Coast. I…
It had been a long grueling day at Fort Benning, Georgia. I slept most of the day in my deuce and a half while the soldiers from the Central Confinement…
There are a few times in a person’s military career when they are ecstatic beyond the ability for words to express how they feel when they are leaving a place. …
I had been selected to command the 508th Maintenance Detachment at Fort Lewis, Washington. I took command on December 10, 1985. December 10, 1985 was an interesting date for several…
I had purchased a red Chevy van in Denver, Colorado in December 1981. I had traded in a worthless Dodge Omni that I had purchased a year before in 1980. …
The 2nd/17th Infantry Battalion (Buffalo) deployed from Fort Ord, California to Camp Roberts, California on Sunday, October 5, 1980. We remained deployed At Camp Roberts until November 2, 1980. We…
A favorite off-duty pastime for me and my friends at Fort Benning was to attend concerts both in Columbus and in Atlanta. Concerts in Columbus were usually scheduled at the…
When I was stationed in Korea at the 5th Preventive Medicine Unit (PMU), I was a regular customer of the King Club in Itaewon-Dong. I can’t remember if it was…