I was working at Fort Huachuca, Arizona and living in Sierra Vista, Arizona. My Asian wife, daughter, and I lived in a second-floor apartment, and I worked at the Electronic…
I previously posted about riding with some bikers while I was stationed at Fort Benning. If you’ve read a few of my posts, you might have read that one. Anyway,…
After my time in Fort Benning, I had been reassigned to South Korea at my request. Yay, I think. Had I screwed up monumentally? Only time would tell, but all…
You know the old cliché, if it ain’t raining, it ain’t training. Well, it had been raining steadily ever since we had been alerted for movement to the field. The…
The other day, I wrote about a field exercise we were participating in at Fort Lewis to prepare for a flyaway deployment with the Signal Battalion. I also talked about…
At Fort Lewis, training usually meant raining. You know, if it ain’t raining, it ain’t training. We had to deploy to the field in preparation for an upcoming flyaway deployment…
It was Saturday morning in Seoul South Korea, and I was standing on a busy street corner just outside of Gate 3 for Main Post of Yongsan. I was walking…