I was enjoying a quiet night in the dayroom at Fort Benning, Georgia, watching TV. I had to get up early the next day because I was scheduled to drive…
I had come home to North Dakota for my youngest brother Dave’s wedding. The evening after I arrived, all of my brothers except my oldest brother, Tom, decided to go…
After the holiday season, it always seems to be back to business as usual. That’s true whether you’re in the military or in civilian life. At Fort Lewis, Washington, when…
When I was stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia, I performed a lot of what I like to call “make work” projects or extra duties. For those of you that are…
I once acquired a black Labrador puppy that I named Molly, while I was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. I went through many experiences and exploits teaching my dog Molly to swim…
I was home on leave before my permanent change of station to Korea from Fort Benning, Georgia. One night, my brother, Craig, and I stopped by my parents’ house for…
It’s funny how small things seem to stick in your mind. For example, when my wife and my daughter and I were traveling back from Korea to North Dakota, my…
When I was stationed at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, one sure sign of winter was usually the winter monsoon rains. However, when the winter monsoon rains hit the lower altitudes like…
My wife and my daughter and I had left Korea and traveled back to the United States. We were now stationed at Fort Ord, California, in Seaside, California. The Army…