Announcement – Posting Frequency Update

Today’s subject is not your typical, run-of-the-mill, usual subject.  But an argument could be made that none of my subjects are your typical, run-of-the-mill, usual subjects.  So, what is a typical, run-of-the-mill, usual subject?  That is an excellent question.  I am not really sure.  Cuz a case could be made that none of my stories are typical, run-of-the-mill, usual stories.  They are not intended to be.  If they were, they would be awfully familiar sounding and kind of boring.  And the last thing I want to do is to bore you to tears, or worse yet bore you to sleep with stories that’ll put you into a deep coma.  Now, did I intend to bother you with details about boring stories and comas?  Don’t answer that.  First, let me ask you another question.  Are you interested in boring stories and comas?  No?  Yeah.  That’s what I thought.  Not many people are.  That’s why National Geographic television segments detailing in excruciating detail the formation of various rock layers in the Earth’s crust are viewed by so many people.  Cuz they’re so damn interesting.  Not.  And when those shows are run at 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning on TV, the audience is even larger.  Cuz everyone wants to stay up to watch a show like that.  Definitely.  Cuz it sure to put you to sleep.  That’s if you weren’t able to fall asleep before watching that show.  However, if you were having trouble staying awake just to see the show come on the TV, I wouldn’t bother.  Cuz you’re probably losing valuable sleep just to stay awake so that you could be put to sleep by such an interesting show.  But I digress.  What does any of that have to do with what that I am attempting to write today?  Good question.  Not a damn thing other than to point out that today’s post is not one of my usual posts.  The real reason I am writing today’s post is to announce that I am reducing the posting frequency of my blog to once a week (though this week will have one more post as this announcement doesn’t count).  I need to do that for a couple of reasons.  The first reason is quite simple.  Previously, I informed you that I had written a book that centered around my blog and that it was the reason that I initially started my blog.  I also informed you that the book had been finished and that I had done some extensive editing to prepare the book for publishing.  I have since sent the book out for final editing to further prepare for publishing, and the book is very close to being released for publishing.  Once it is ready for release, I will make an announcement on this forum.  The second reason is that I need to launch another book project that I am working on.  As always, I thank you for reading my blogs and for your understanding and your patience.  WM  

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