From Ten to One – An Ode to Military Humor

I previously posted a about a soldier in Korea being asked by a lady to go home to meet her ajumma, and I previously posted about dating a girl that you have no intention of marrying who invites you home to meet her parents.  There are ramifications in each of those scenarios, and you want to be wary of the potential traps that may be in your path that you are not aware exist.  Believe me, they exist.  Now, I explore the third scenario.  Yes, you read correctly, there is a third scenario that does exist.  Suppose you were a soldier stationed in Korea and you were dating a girl through some stroke of luck or a sheer miracle.  I am talking about a girl who is echelons above your reality.  I am talking about drop dead gorgeous quality stock.  I am talking about a girl who has ‘the look.’  You cannot explain ‘the look.’  You just know when a girl has it.  This is the type of girl, who, if she is with friends in a club, you approach her first to ask for a dance but she always says no.  This is the type of girl, who, when she walks down the street, all of the guys stop to stare at her.  That is a girl with ‘the look.’  You aren’t in her league, cannot get into her league, and cannot afford to get into her league unless you magically win the lottery overnight.  Good luck with that.  Now, the afore mentioned foreign country of posting doesn’t necessarily have to be Korea.  It could be Germany, mainland Japan, the Philippines, or Okinawa (Japan), wherever United States Military Forces get stationed abroad.  I just have an affinity for Asian women, Koreans in particular, especially since I got stationed in Korea first as an overseas assignment.  But here is what I am specifically talking about.  Purely through dumb luck, I ran into a lady who had ‘the look’ right about the time I was dumping the lady I had no intention of marrying.  One night, my buddy, Darren, and I were dashing through back alleys in Itaewon-Dong in my efforts to avoid Miss Lee.  As we were cruising down one alley of jewelry stores and purse stores, we caught a glimpse of the lady with ‘the look.”  She ran a jewelry store, although we didn’t know it right that moment.  She was chatting with another lady who ran a purse shop.  Shot in the dark coming.  I entered the jewelry store since nobody seemed to be tending it (I figured one of those two ladies had to be the owner of said shop).  Lucky guess.  DING.  DING.  DING.  I hit the jackpot.  The lady with ‘the look’ came running over and said, “You want to buy some jewelry?”  “Not really,” I replied.  “I just wanted to meet you and ask if maybe you would go on a date with me.  I’m kind of shy, so I am asking you in here.”  “You no buy jewelry, you get the hell out of my store G.I.  You number ten G.I.  Number ten G.I. get out!”  “Number ten G.I.?  What the hell does that mean?”  “Get out of my shop.”  So, I left.  Darren said, “She threw you out, huh?”  “You figured that out all by yourself, did you?  She said I was number ten G.I.  What the hell does that mean?” I replied.  “It basically means you’re the worst of the worst.”  “But I didn’t do anything but ask if she would go out with me.”  “Don’t sweat it man, I get called that shit every other day.  Let’s go get some beer.”  So, we went back to that same jewelry shop every day for a week with the same result.  The lady with ‘the look’ kept throwing us out.  We were batting a thousand, that is, if you count strikeouts as hits.  We must have looked pretty pathetic because Darren finally said, “Look, Wright, give it a rest already.  She’s never going to say yes.  Let’s move on.  There are other fish in the sea.”  “But I don’t want other fish, though.  I just wanted her,” I said.  We went to the King Club and got a table.  As it turned out, we got the last free table in the club.  About twenty minutes later, the lady with ‘the look’ and her friend from the purse shop walked in the door.  When we saw the lady with ‘the look,’ I saw her surrounded by a bright, white light and nothing else.  I cannot to this day explain it.  But I knew right then and there that I had hit the lottery.  DING.  DING.  DING.  No shit.  I even heard the damn bells going off.  I said to Darren, “Look who just walked in.  I got dibs on the girl from the jewelry store.”  He looked at me like I was high, crazy or both and said, “Are you nuts?  They ain’t going to touch us.”  “Dude, check it out.  They will.  We got the only two free chairs in the whole damn club available.  You dig?  And they sort of know us cuz we’ve bugged them so much over the last week or so.  Trust me.  I know what I’m talking about.  They’re going to come over here and ask if they can sit down.  Then, all we gotta do is buy them a drink and play our cards right.”  “Bullshit.  That kind of crap only happens in movies.”  “Wait and watch, hotshot.”  A minute or so later, the ladies walked over to our table and the lady with ‘the look’ said, “May we sit down?”  I said, “Sure.  Would you like something to drink?”  “Yes, please.”  I took their drink orders, and then we exchanged names.  I learned the name of my future wife that night.  We all talked and danced, and just before curfew, we departed for the house of a friend who happened to be a diplomat for the Moroccan Embassy that I had previously met.  The lady with ‘the look’ talked with me for hours that night on the roof of that house while we waited out the curfew.  At sunup, she said she had to leave but she shocked the shit out of me with her parting shots.  She kissed me, and then she said, “May I see you again?”  I nearly lost my breath.  “You want to see me again?” I said.  “Yes.  Is it okay?”  “Yeah.  Yes.  That’s great.  I just didn’t expect you to want to see me again.”  Normally, girls as pretty as her never want to date a guy like me cuz I have this big flashing sign on my chest that says LOSER!  So, I was just a little teensy bit surprised.  “May I have your phone number so I can call you?”  “Sure.”  So, I gave her my phone number but I never really expected to hear from her again.  Two days later, I did.  Then, we started dating every day.  A few weeks later, she asked me to come to her home with her to meet her family.  I was really surprised because I knew the ramifications of that question.  If all went well with her family, in all likelihood we would get married even though we had never spoken of marriage.  And folks, when I say that my wife had ‘the look,’ she really had ‘the look.’  We could always hear guys catcall when the two of us walked down the street, and I always had to run other guys off or she would have to run other guys off in clubs whenever we went out.  To this day, I cannot explain how I won the lottery.  It should never have happened, but it did.  When something like that happens to a Tom Brady, people say it is because he is a rich famous athlete.  But what was my excuse.  I didn’t have one for ending up as the number one GI for my girl with ‘the look,’ and I’m telling you it’s not just me, but lots of GIs.  I once ran into this ex-Navy guy who replaced the furnace in my house.  He showed me a picture of his wife, and he had pulled off the miracle too.  Being invited to the house of a lady’s family is not always an exercise in futility,  sometimes it is the pot at the end of the rainbow or the proverbial jackpot.       

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